I’ve Managed to do the Impossible :(

I just arrived home from an amazing night out with the DocSoc only to notice there was something not quite right about one of my Cacti. Now before I start, if you haven’t heard about my Cacti already you can read all about them here.

The one I am talking about is Elmo, he’s been losing his colour for a while now as I fail to water him frequently but I noticed his stalk was also a weird shade of green. I took him down off my shelf to water and attempt to revive only for him to kind of just go plop. It seems the soil is so dehydrated it has begun to disappear and the bottom of the stalk has begun to shrivel up and lose its strength. I can also see the roots coming out of the bottom into the bigger pot insinuating they were searching for something to drink elsewhere.

Now I feel really sad about this, it’s my fault! I killed a cactus something which is meant to be very difficult to do. Elmo has been there throughout my entire university journey and now he’s just gone. I know probably sound completely insane referring to a cactus as if it were a human being but I don’t care because everything I’ve said is true! I don’t know if there’s anyway to save him, I think it might be too late. If you have any ideas let me know in the comment section below.

Thank you 😦

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